Why us

Driven by passion, committed to quality

We offer treatments based on your unique needs and not just because they are available

Our Philosophy
Our aim is to offer effective treatments based on your unique needs and not just because these are available. We offer a number of different treatments and help you decide which ones are most suited to your needs. You will be offered an initial consultation where we discuss your concerns and plan your treatment with you. You can then book and come back for treatment another day, should you choose to-having had time to reflect on your consultation and ask any questions. For Surgical procedures you will have a second consultation before arranging surgery appointment.

We have twenty seven latest state-of-the-art laser, light and energy systems and we continue to invest in training and new technology. We are under no commercial pressure/ targets and will not 'sell' you any of our treatments. We also do not push you towards surgery but offer non-surgical treatments where possible.      
Why Us?
Doctor run clinic offering comprehensive care with personal attention and continuity of care. We offer high quality service locally and at an affordable price.

Full time commitment. Dr Sanjay Gheyi is a full time Aesthetic Practitioner and laser surgeon and uses lasers, botox and fillers in his everyday clinical practice, not once every few weeks or months. He personally administers thousands of laser and injectable procedures each year.

Customised treatments. We can provide a whole range of treatments and advice you based on your wishes and desires. We do not try to fit you to a treatment but suggest different options. We have multiple lasers and treatments available so we will help you choose the best device/ treatment.

You get what you pay for. We use very effective high specification medical machines from world's leading laser manufacturers and invest in education and training. Better lasers-better results.

You can have cheap cosmetic treatments on a 'conveyor belt'. We treat aesthetic procedures as an art and a science, you as an individual and work with you to achieve the results that you desire. Your satisfaction is very important to us.

We use different technologies and different lasers for different needs. For example-we can offer sclerotherapy, variety of lasers or IPL for treatment of thread and spider veins.

We will not offer you a treatment if it is not suitable or if it is beyond our expertise and will happily refer you on to a suitable doctor/ surgeon.

We do not offer gimmicky assesments or speculative treatments without a proven track record or safety profile.

*Consultation fee £ 40 with our trained staff
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