Laser treatment of birthmarks

“the marks have gone"

Laser treatment of birthmarks

Safe and effective laser birthmark removal

Why we are the leading laser birthmark removal clinic in Norfolk and Norwich?

Multiple lasers allow us to customise your treatment based on your skin type, birthmark colour, depth and density etc.

No one laser can treat all birthmarks effectively. It may do a mediocre job.

We have invested in top of the range lasers-not one but twenty three different lasers and devices so you can have the treatment you deserve.

We have performed thousands of successful laser treatments over more than a decade.

You get personal attention and continuity of care with us.

We get referrals from local clinics, doctors and NHS hospital

We remove all types of birthmarks 
birthmarks can be due to accumulation of pigment or abnormal blood vessels
  1. cherry angiomas, liver spots, campbell de morgan spots are small red or pink spots usually on abdomen or face but can occur anywhere on the body.
  2. haemangioms, spider naevi and birthmarks due to abnormal accumulation of blood vessels can be treated with our pulsed dye laser.
  3. cafe au lait macules and pigmented birthmarks can be removed by one of our highly sophisticated q-switched pigment removal lasers.
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