
Injectables, fillers, lasers and cosmetic medial and surgery treatments blog

Lip Fillers- Beauty or Medical Treatment ?


Lip fillers done by experts look natural and in proportion to rest of the face.

Dermal fillers are implantable medical devices. They should be medicines really, but that is a different subject altogether and maybe we’ll discuss it in future. Lip fillers done by experts look natural and in proportion to rest of the face.

You search dermal fillers near me on any major search engine and a lot of beauty salons offering Kylie Jenner lip fillers and cheap lip fillers appear. What is really sad is some of them are filled to outrageous proportions and look cartoon like. It’s almost as if walking around with a trout pout is the new normal? Is this lip fillers gone wrong?

It is my money so what is the harm you ask ? after all it is really cheap nowadays with salons offering facial and lip fillers on every street corner In Norwich, suburbs of Norwich and almost every Norfolk town and village.

Well, here is the problem. Facial fillers should be used to replace lost volume, not to add volume where it was never there! Of course, there are few exceptions to these, where people have certain medical conditions or genetics has not been very kind. Also no medical treatment is risk free. Even more so when it has been trivialised and people with no medical training whatsoever are injecting lip fillers. 

Complications can happen to best doctors but the difference is that a good doctor will be able to recognise and take steps to minimise further damage resulting from inappropriately administered filler injections.

I will share a secret with you! 
I have treated people where fillers had been injected into blood vessels and I have been able to save their faces. But it has been quite an ordeal for these people.
I like to do a dental block for all my lip fillers. It has two major benefits. 
One- the treatment is virtually painless. 
Two- more importantly, the adrenaline in the local anaesthetic constricts the blood vessels so I am extremely unlikely to inject filler into a blood vessel. 

I am always scared ( and I do operations on faces and lips! ) so I am constantly watching and making sure that there are no signs of compromise to the skin circulation. These are my secrets for injecting facial fillers safely. I under treat rather than over treat and never make you look unnatural.  You can always add to it at a later date. If it’s too much- filler can be dissolved but that is a lot of money wasted and filler dissolving comes with its own risks. 
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